Los estiletos Azul Klein ya le vimos el otro día en un estilismo "De compras por NY, Look de Jueves", y la camisa tejana le veremos en otras ocasiones porque es tendencia. Como veis es simple, sencillo, pero ella le aporta algo que lo hace genial.
Feliz Viernes, ya queda poco para cambiar de año. A ver que nos deparará este 2013...
If you want to walk the dog and be trendy, copying the style of Olivia Palermo ... Not if it's the most comfortable in the world, but surely you will feel it more!
The Klein Blue stilettos and you saw the other day in a styling "Shopping in NY, Look to Thursday", and denim shirt you see on other occasions it is tendency. As you see it is simple, easy, but she brings something that makes it great.
Happy Friday, and there is little to change this year. To see that this 2013 will bring ...
The Klein Blue stilettos and you saw the other day in a styling "Shopping in NY, Look to Thursday", and denim shirt you see on other occasions it is tendency. As you see it is simple, easy, but she brings something that makes it great.
Happy Friday, and there is little to change this year. To see that this 2013 will bring ...

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