Particularmente tenía la curiosidad de saber si el blanco y negro era el centro de su colección, y efectivamente ha sido así. Aunque tengo que decir que el resto de la colección no me ha decepcionado en absoluto. Al revés, creo que llega a ser perfecta. Es simple pero impactante.
Deja un protagonista claro en cuanto a los iconos de la Maison francesa, las Perlas. Grandes, en apliques, como collares o como pulseras. Aunque no se olvida de su aclamado tweed. Esta vez, Karl Lagerfeld ha optado por el menos es más.
Merece la pena entretenerse con las fotos, ojalá todas pudiéramos tener "un Chanel" en nuestro fondo de armario, pero con cual os quedaríais? Creo que yo dudaría mucho en qué escoger. De momento me conformo con mis bailarinas black&white.

As you have seen this week, I have approached the trends in September showed great designers on the runways of New York, Paris or Milan. As it's been a while since then, we wanted to refresh your memory and to present to big companies such as Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Balenciaga or Chanel here.
Particularly was curious to know if the black and white was the center of his collection, and actually has been. Although I have to say that the rest of the collection has not disappointed me at all. Contrary, I think it becomes perfect. It is simple but powerful.
Leave a protagonist clear about the icons of French Maison, the Pearl. Great, in appliques, like necklaces or bracelets. While not forget his acclaimed tweed. This time, Karl Lagerfeld has opted for the less is more.
Worth entertained by the photos, I wish we could all have a "Chanel" in our wardrobe, but that You would be? I think I would hesitate a lot to choose from. For now I'm content with my black & white ballerinas.
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